Please visit my Picasa web album here for more photos of Pondicherry beach
Some illustrated samples below:
Fishermen and their Catamarans.
The other side of the beach that most of us haven't seen. This is a welcome sight from the hustle and bustle of the city (yes, am right. Pondicherry is no more the peaceful and calm city it once used to be).
Children Cooling off.
One of the few stretches of the beach were we can still wet our legs in the sea water. It was really a nice site to see the children playing joyfully in the blue water. What a beautiful way to cool off!
Under the hood of our beloved Port
One of my favorite shots. This is the underside of the port. Notice how blue the sea is??
Another shot of the Port bridge.
Taken from the Port. You people notice the thermocol and the flag tied to it ??
The Blue Sea
Nice blue color. Looks so beautiful.
The fossil tree
And this is taken in the Botanical Garden. This is a fossilized tree that is 23 Million years old.
Please leave your comments on how you liked these photos. Please visit my Picasa web album here